Re-blogged from progressivegeographies
A previously unpublished manuscript by Henri Lefebvre, Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment
is forthcoming with University of Minnesota Press. Edited by Łukasz
Stanek and translated by Robert Bonnano, this is going to be a
significant moment in the discussion of his work, especially since the
manuscript remains unpublished in French.
The relationship between bodily pleasure, space, and
architecture—from one of the twentieth century’s most important urban
theorists Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment,
the first publication of Henri Lefebvre’s only book devoted to
architecture, redefines architecture as a mode of imagination rather
than a specialized process or a collection of monuments. Lefebvre calls
for an architecture of jouissance—of pleasure or enjoyment—centered on
the body and its rhythms and based on the possibilities of the senses.